Karinne Behr

Karinne Behr is a Film Distribution and Production Executive

26 years of Film Financing and Film Distribution. Foreign Sales/ Film Financing/ Digital Film Distribution Executive Procucer

Karinne Behr's Background

Karinne Behr's Experience

CEO at Saradan Media

January 2013 - Present | UK- US

CEO at Finance in Motion

February 2008 - Present

Karinne Behr launched her consulting firm Finance in Motion on February 7th, 2008. She provides film financing advice and information for independent Film Producers. Her focus is to help filmmakers understand all of their options when it comes to financing their project, ie understanding the foreign sales value of their film project, and what financial structure they should adopt, or team they should use to have the best chance of success.Some of the other services we provide: -Film library sales and management. -Film Bank loan submission and management to closing.

President at Sanborn Studios

2010 - 2016

Sanborn Studios offers film production services to independent producers. We have also worked on a wide variety of commercials and can help you with that as well. We are based in Sarasota, FL.

President of International Distribution at Pangea Media Group

September 2009 - September 2010

Managed all operations of the International Sales department of Pangea Media Group LLC in Los Angeles, the company represented and sold a catalog of more than 1000 films which came from Intermedia, Think Film, Capitol Films , Franchise Pictures etc. The library included the following prestigious titles: Terminator 3, Adaptation, Point Break, Nurse Betty, Mulholland Falls, The Getaway, The Wedding Planner among many others

President at Bauer Martinez Studios

January 1999 - February 2008

Bauer Martinez Studios was founded in 1999 by its CEO Philippe Martinez. Later the principals decided to branch out and opened offices in London and established Lucky 7 Productions ( a UK production company) , Bauer Martinez Entertainment ( as its US distribution arm) and Bauer Martinez International ( as the International Sales arm ). Establishing key distribution deals with MGM, The Weinstein Company, Universal Music Group among many others. The Bauer Martinez Group and its companies kept a very strong presence both in the US and overseas, and its Catalog includes films such as The Flock Starring Richard Gere and Claire Dane, I Could Never be your Woman Starring Michelle Pfeiffer and Paul Rudd, Land of the Blind Starring Ralph Fiennes and Donald Sutherland, Modigliani Starring Andy Garcia all were produced by the company's subsidiaries.

Karinne Behr's Education

Ecole Superieure d' Action et de Recherche Commerciale

1988 – 1991